
New Depeche Mode Song

During a press conference in Paris on Tuesday, October 23, an unnamed new song was unveiled. You can listen to the track in the accompanying music video below:

The band mentioned that they have around 20 new songs but haven’t yet decided which ones will make it to the as-yet-unnamed new Depeche Mode album. In addition to this, they announced the European tour dates, set to commence on May 7th, 2013. Interestingly, fans were already aware of the tour dates as they were leaked before the official press conference. For those interested, the entire 41-minute press conference can be viewed here:

Further Confirmations of Depeche Mode’s New Album & Tour In 2013

“Depeche Mode manager Jonathan Kessler explained that Gahan is now fully immersed in his day job. He is recording the new Depeche album in Santa Barbara, California, where Martin Gore resides, for an April 2013 release with a full world tour to follow, according to Kessler.”

Read more:

Depeche Mode’s Dave Gahan Confirms New Album & Tour In 2013

Get ready for a lot of new Depeche Mode in 2013. Dave Gahan spoke with Spinner about the group’s future plans once he and Martin Gore are done with their side projects.

Dave Gahan reveals the legendary synth-pop band already has demoed about 20 new songs for its as-yet-untitled follow-up to 2009′s Sounds of the Universe — and already is making plans to take the new songs on the road next year.

In a short interview with Spin, Gahan reports that DM has reconvened with Ben Hillier, who produced Sounds of the Universe and 2005′s Playing the Angel, and also has enlisted the help of producer Christoffer Berg (Fever Ray, The Knife).

“We’ve probably got 20 songs demoed. Some of the songs are in really good shape, some need some work, but we’re definitely on track.

“We have a deadline of the end of November, and there’s no reason we why we won’t meet that at the rate we’re going”

Gahan also says that “There are already plans in place to be touring next year.”.

As for the addition of Berg to the DM studio team, Gahan said, “He’s a great musician and has a lot of fantastic ideas. He’s not afraid to stand up and say, ‘I got an idea.’ I like that. It’s quite intimidating working with a band like ours because you have certain expectations of how it is. A lot are true and some aren’t. Martin and I are open to other people’s ideas.”

Last week, Depeche Mode who was supposed to begin work on its 13th studio album, which Martin L. Gore has said will be out “no later than early 2013.” released the first video evidence that the group is at work on its next LP by releasing a 43-second time-lapse video of the band’s synths and other gear being set up in a studio. Check it out below:

Martin Gore & Vince Clarke In May 2012 Issue Of Keyboard Magazine

Martin Gore & Vince Clarke (VCMG) appears on the cover of the May 2012 issue of Keyboard magazine. The issue also features interviews with the 2 founding members of Depeche Mode.

Keyboard Magazine is a magazine that originally covered electronic keyboard instruments and keyboardists, though with the advent of computer based recording and audio technology, they have added digital music technology to their regular coverage, including those not strictly pertaining to the keyboard related instruments.

‘An Idiot Abroad’ Dances To ‘Just Can’t Get Enough’

Oh dear, it seems I’m probably the last Depeche Mode fan to stumble upon this delightful discovery. I certainly caught on to the episode a bit late. While engrossed in some household chores with the television humming in the background, the unmistakable dance beats of Depeche Mode’s “Just Can’t Get Enough” suddenly filled the air. Naturally, I promptly abandoned everything and hurried over to the television. To my sheer delight and surprise, there was Karl Pilkington merrily dancing to ‘Just Can’t Get Enough’ in an episode of ‘An Idiot Abroad.’ He showcased his moves amidst some ancient Mexican ruins. For those who may have missed it, you can enjoy a snippet of the video below:

KROQ interview with Martin Gore

In a recently released interview with KROQ, available on their site today, Martin Gore delves into various topics, including his enduring friendship with founding Depeche Mode member and current collaborator on the VCMG techno project, Vince Clarke. He also shares his reaction to Depeche Mode being acknowledged as a significant influence on the current electronic dance movement (EDM). Additionally, for eager Depeche Mode fans, there’s an update on the progress of the highly anticipated new album. It’s indeed an interesting read for those intrigued by the latest insights from Martin Gore.

Read the full interview

Exclusive VCMG ‘Ssss’ Full Album Stream

Electronic gurus and co-founders of Depeche Mode, Vince Clarke and Martin Gore have finally reunited after 30 years to release a new collaboration entitled ‘Ssss’ under the moniker of VCMG.

‘Ssss’ is the first time the duo have worked together since 1981 when Clarke left Depeche Mode. Clarke and Gore both worked from their respective studios, corresponding via e-mail until the record was finished.

Now Music Feeds has the exclusive sssstream of VCMG’s ‘Ssss’. So sit back, relax and enjoy it at